The Bodycare Journal – A Clean Scalp Maximizes Hair Growth

The Bodycare Journal – A Clean Scalp Maximizes Hair Growth

Keeping your scalp healthy is like giving your hair a solid foundation to thrive!

The Bodycare Journal: Blueberry Matcha Mango Recipe

The Bodycare Journal: Blueberry Matcha Mango Recipe
Our bodies work from what we give it. Lately, I’ve been practicing overall balanced living. This means having a equal...

The Bodycare Journal: Cramps lose, I win!

The Bodycare Journal: Cramps lose, I win!

Fair warning, this is for my ladies!

The Bodycare Journal: Need to get rid of dark areas?

The Bodycare Journal: Need to get rid of dark areas?

Yes, I’m talking about the elbows, knees, glutes, back of the neck, etc. 

The Body Care Journal: The Effects of Collagen on the Heart

The Body Care Journal: The Effects of Collagen on the Heart
We all know that collagen has positive benefits for your skin and bones but, what are its other benefits? Well,...

The Bodycare Journal: Fruit Sugar Vs. Processed Sugar

The Bodycare Journal: Fruit Sugar Vs. Processed Sugar
I recently had a debate on how fruit sugars and processed sugars are different. If you’re fairly healthy, they do...

The Bodycare Journal: Relaxation Equals Productivity

The Bodycare Journal: Relaxation Equals Productivity
In our fast-paced world, "relaxing to be productive" might seem counterintuitive. After all, productivity is often associated with working harder...

The Bodycare Journal: Your Dreams Will Come True

The Bodycare Journal: Your Dreams Will Come True

Any goal that is achieved, small or huge, deserves a pat on the back. A celebration! What if you accomplish the goals that brought you closer to your dreams?

The Bodycare Journal: Top 5 Sleep Elixir Recipes

The Bodycare Journal: Top 5 Sleep Elixir Recipes
Lately, I’ve gotten in the habit of resolving my health concerns with natural remedies. This means stocking up on herbs...

The Bodycare Journal: The Art of Relaxation

The Bodycare Journal: The Art of Relaxation
Do you know how to relax? So you think… Relaxation is the state of being free from tension and anxiety....

The Bodycare Journal: Which diet are you?

The Bodycare Journal: Which diet are you?
If you’re a loyal reader here, you know we’re on a healthy living journey. From our outer bodies to within,...

Why do Americans suffer from diabetes?

Why do Americans suffer from diabetes?
If you scroll all the way to the beginning of The Bodycare Journal, we briefly discuss the health issues in...

Bodycare Journal: Spring Into A New Ritual

Bodycare Journal: Spring Into A New Ritual
For a few months now, I’ve been on a super health journey. Yes, this includes eating healthy but also other...

The Bodycare Journal: What Body Care Means to 521 Wellness.

The Bodycare Journal: What Body Care Means to 521 Wellness.
Spreading body care awareness is something that comes naturally to me. When starting 521 wellness, I knew that this would...

The Bodycare Journal: Get a Massage. They say!

The Bodycare Journal: Get a Massage. They say!
Featured Image: Laetitia Casta for Guess (1997) photography: Dominique Issermann If you’ve ever booked a massage, you may have been...

The Bodycare Journal: How to Revive After a Burn Out

The Bodycare Journal: How to Revive After a Burn Out
We live in a time of uncertainty, but honestly, I think there are always uncertainties in life. This is a...

The Bodycare Journal: Moving Forward from Trauma

The Bodycare Journal: Moving Forward from Trauma
Featured Image: Ozy Worldy  Have you ever had an experience that you realized was traumatizing but after the fact? Maybe...

The Bodycare Journal: Consistency on the Brain

The Bodycare Journal: Consistency on the Brain
Featured image: Herbert Bayer - Ideas about the extended field of vision (1935) Imagine waking up and doing everything you...

The Bodycare Journal: Sugar vs. Your Body

The Bodycare Journal: Sugar vs. Your Body
When you wake up, how do you feel? Is it a feeling of fatigue? Maybe, a feeling of depression. Mainly,...

The Bodycare Journal: The Benefits of Massage Therapy

The Bodycare Journal: The Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is not just a luxury. In my opinion, it’s a way to a happier, healthier, and more relaxed...