The Bodycare Journal: Your Dreams Will Come True

“I have lots of things to prove to myself. One is that I can live my life fearlessly.”
-Oprah Winfrey.
I think it’s only right to say that if you become proud of yourself, you will live a full life. Most of the time being proud comes from accomplishments. Any goal that is achieved, small or huge, deserves a pat on the back. A celebration! What if you accomplish the goals that brought you closer to your dreams?

If you’re proud of yourself, you’ve accomplished everything you’ve set out into the world. Do not neglect anything else you’ve already done, but grow. You are moving in a direction that brings your wildest dream to fruition. So, how do you knock off the goals and get closer to your dream?

Here are a few tips:
- Envision your dream life. (Sometimes this is easier done by creating a vision board or writing it out) Think about everything! Your career, house, kids, location(s), money, car, etc.
- Make a plan- be very thorough. From start to finish create a step-by-step.
- Start with the easiest goal first.
- As you work your way towards the end goal, READ! This will help guide your plan.
- Celebrate small wins because they lead to the bigger picture.
Mental wellness comes into play when striving to evolve. You may feel like it’s too much or it’s just a dream and that, will keep you at a standstill. Wondering why things in life are still the same but different… it’s because there has been no giant leap towards what you truly want. Know that your dream is worth fighting for. It’s worth all of the hard work and late nights. It can be accomplished. You have to stay on the path and trust yourself. Sometimes, when going after something that seems so gigantic, fear kicks in. The fear tells us “We can’t do it, it’s too much, what if it doesn’t happen?” When this happens, it can deter you from your path.
“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.”
– Nelson Mandela

I’m here to remind you that although it seems scary, it’s possible. The steps above are a great start but it also depends on how you feel within. You have to have confidence. Believe in yourself because only you can see that vision. It will be mentally and physically challenging but it is possible. When you are fighting yourself on this, go back, and look at your vision board or what you wrote out. Keep yourself on track and take care of your body along the way.
When you feel good, you add quality to your life. It brings focus and clarity to be able to finish what you start. We have plenty of entries to turn back to. Follow those while on this journey because when your body can function at its fullest potential, you never know what can be unlocked. It’s time to stop writing down those ideas in your notes app! Take action, and create the life of your dreams.
By Jazmine Jamal
Founder of @521wellness
You Start Dying When You Stop Dreaming