The Bodycare Journal: Taking Care of Your Muscles At Home

Attention, Attention!! This one is for all of my LMTs, hairstylists, estheticians, contractors, gym babes, and more! I can say I do this almost every day as a massage therapist. Especially when my arms are sore and I feel physically depleted.
What’s that you ask? Oh, I’m speaking of actually massaging my arms but at home. We’re not using foam rollers or massage guns. That’s for a different discussion. Today we are using just a ball, the wall, and our bodies.

Specifically for upper arm pain, I make sure to massage the pec area and also the muscles in the upper arm (biceps, triceps, rotator cuff, etc.) First, I take the ball with my opposite hand and use it to rub these muscles. This will help open up the area we’re getting ready to work. After the muscles are all warmed up, I place the massage ball on the wall and lean in with the front of my pec on the ball.

Rolling side to side on the ball will massage these muscles in the direction of the fibers. You’ll notice the tension starting to decrease and that’s when you’ll change positions. Place the ball on the wall and lean on it but this time with your shoulder. Doing this in a circular motion will help to break up tightness or knots. Continue these two motions on both sides of the body until the pain is relieved.
If you need a visual on how to do this, I’ve linked a short video below.
Don’t let the muscle tension build up in your body. Day after day, it’ll get so bad and start to take as true toll on you. Don’t worry, in my journey of spreading body care awareness, I’m here to remind you. If you’re new here, welcome to The Bodycare Journal. We discuss everything that will keep you happy, healthy, and relaxed.
P.S. … I’m thinking of starting a series so stay tuned for more entries like this!
By Jazmine Jamal
Founder of @521wellness
You Start Dying When You Stop Dreaming.