Airlines will now be required to give automatic cash refunds for canceled and delayed flights

BY DAVID KOENIG Updated 8:55 AM PDT, April 24, 2024 The Biden administration issued final rules Wednesday to require airlines to automatically issue...
The Wealthy are Less Willing to Spend on Sustainable Products

Millennial and Gen-Z respondents were most likely to pay a premium for environmentally friendly practices. Innovation to create sustainable beauty...
The Paradox of Climate Change: Exploring the Differences and Similarities Between Washington D.C. and Antarctica

cover: The Empire Strikes Back - art by Al Williamson (1980) Climate change is a global issue that affects different...
Nobel Minds 2022: The Real Influencers?

The 2022 laureates in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, and economic sciences talk to Zeinab Badawi and students in...
Iceland has made it illegal to pay a man more than a woman for the same job

A new law has just gone into effect in Iceland which makes it illegal to pay men more than women...
US authorities ban electronics larger than a phone from flights from 13 countries

[caption id="attachment_4641" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Madrid, Spain - October 24, 2015: Aircraft -Airbus A320-232-, of -Royal Jordanian- airline, is landing on...