Dont Let Time Break You
featured image: please don't touch me, 2021 by Luka Khabelashvili Chris Kabel: Blue Sky Lamp (2014) Have you ever noticed...
Today is MLK Day
By now, you’ve likely seen that annoying girl you went to college with a post on her Instagram story that...
Past Failure Is No Excuse for Present Inaction
The holiday season is now in full swing. People will be decking the halls, throwing parties, offering tidings of good...
Continuing the Journey: ‘We the People’ and the Quest for Equality
The United States Constitution opens with the powerful phrase, "We the People," reflecting the foundational ideals of equality, justice, and...
Your Money or Your Life: Is there really a choice?
Astute observers of upper-class life commonly quote (or at least paraphrase) Balzac’s observation that behind every great fortune there’s a...
Why Growing Up Is Hard to Do (But Why the World Still Needs Adults)
Oftentimes in these kinds of discussions, claims are made about the disappearance of adulthood without ever defining what adulthood means...
Most things we do in life are just activities and experiences.
15 Rules To Win At Life In this video we'll try to answer the following questions: How to win at life? Which tactics can...