The Bodycare Journal: Do you have TMJ?
Recently, I have seen more cases of TMJ and because of this, I’m studying a new type of massage therapy...
The Bodycare Journal: Lower Back Relief
As a massage therapist, I often see complaints of the lower back. Lower back pain, tension, and tightness can come...
The Bodycare Journal: Staying Grounded
There are so many things that consistently affect our lives. Events that are usually out of our control. There’s death,...
The Bodycare Journal: 5 Easy Morning Stretches
How do you feel when you wake up? Is your body sore or do you feel refreshed and ready to...
The Bodycare Journal: The Power in Routine
“Do something today that your future self will thank you for..” — Unknown. Regular routines can help us feel like...
The Bodycare Journal with Jazmine Jamal
“2 in 3 Americans do not practice any form of self-care. Most people find it hard to put themselves first.”...