The Bodycare Journal with Jazmine Jamal
“2 in 3 Americans do not practice any form of self-care. Most people find it hard to put themselves first.”
Imagine beginning with a few minutes out of your day to be still—present with the fact that you woke up that morning. Repeating this daily will keep you one with your body. As you wake up each day, keep this in mind.— Are you happy? Are you healthy? Are you relaxed?
Be Happy: “The bottom line is that becoming happy is up to you. No one else can make you happy. And true happiness can never be built at the expense of others.” — Tina Turner
Happiness keeps your body alive in many ways that you may not see. A few ways happiness benefits the body are by lowering stress levels, providing a higher immune system, lowering the risk of diabetes, and so much more! Taking control of your happiness can start with something small. Consider something you may do or want to start doing and incorporate that into your everyday routine. Repeat this daily until you feel comfortable adding something else you may look forward to weekly. Taking the time to enjoy the little things in life or even the more significant moments created, will always leave room for more. So why not make the time to put yourself first?
Be Healthy: “It’s health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver” — Mahatma Gandhi
Believe it or not, this is a form of body care that most Americans throw out the window. Less than 3% of Americans meet the measurable characteristics that reduce a person’s risk for heart disease. This can all be controlled by you. Nourishing your body by not only eating healthy but also, doing things to increase mobility. Start by incorporating a fruit or veggie with each meal and then continue increasing the amount over time. Don’t worry! I will guide you here weekly on keeping your body mobile but let’s start with a morning stretch. A stretch in the morning will prepare your body for the day ahead. Of course, more will be added along the way. Together, we will provide our bodies with the tools to become healthier.
Be Relaxed: “If you prioritize yourself, you are going to save yourself.” — Gabrielle Union
Always make time for self-love. This can be done in whatever relaxes your body. Recovery is significant because it helps to keep our bodies going. Things that help us relax can benefit brain function, increase memory retention, avoid depression, etc. I make sure that I recover my body at the end of each day by relaxation. Whether it’s rolling on my massage ball, meditation, or skincare— I find it hard to skip each day. You can start this relaxation journey by taking 5-7 deep inhales and exhales before bed. Doing this will help guide you into a deep sleep which I will dive into next week. Hint! Hint!
Welcome to The Bodycare Journal with YSDWYSD. Here, you will learn how to provide yourself with the ultimate guide to body care by the motto listed above. Keep up weekly to gather information on how to be happy, healthy, and relaxed. Together we will change those statistics and spread body care awareness to all.
By Jazmine Jamal
Founder of @521wellness
You start dying when you stop dreaming.