Idea vs. Execution

We all have ideas, there’s no question about that. We tend to generate our best ideas while in solitude. You can be in the shower or in traffic and boom! – a light bulb flickers on top of your head of something that can possibly change the world. Although, that’s not even the beginning. An idea is just what it is – an idea. Making the idea into reality is what matters. Steve Jobs isn’t Steve Job because he had ideas. He changed the world by making his ideas happen. There’s a huge difference between idea and execution -that’s why we provided an excerpt of an article originally by the guys over at Crew. They have an entirely free course about building your own business online. The Beginners Guide To Building An Online Business. There’s no question that the internet is not one huge cash cow. People are online selling anything with conceivably the mindset of solving a problem for the consumer ……or simply to make money. Learn something. You start dying when you stop dreaming.
“The most brilliant idea, with no execution, is worth $20. The most brilliant idea takes great execution to be worth $20,000,000.”
…It’s not always clear what you should build when. This is part of the challenge of building something new – you won’t have all the answers.
But when you have ideas of what you want to build, think:
- “What could we make right now that would be the most valuable for our customers?”
- “What could we build that might prove one of the most important parts of our business concept at this time?”
Having these questions as a constant part of your decision-making process can help guide you in the right direction for what to do.
When you start a company, you might feel like you need to build so many things to make it work. But to build a business, you can’t do everything at once. To execute well you must prioritize your ideas for value.