Happy 24th Birthday, Jawhar

Wow, it’s has been almost 5 years since Jawhar left us – man does time fly, especially when you are chasing your dreams.
Jawhar turns 24 today, and I’m sure his rugby collection would have been OC by now (Oh right -Rubgy is shut down). The only reason I mentioned Rugby is that I was visited Jawhar’s Twitter and saw he tweeted that. Things are always a bit emotional for us around this time but this year feel different. I know Jawhar is watching over us and is super proud. Our goal is to continue dreaming.
As we enter and celebrate ysdwysd’s 5th birthday. We promise to continue being your voice, initiating dialogue, and living our dreams. We promise to continue motivating you. We promise to continue to provide dope original content that you won’t find anywhere else. We promise to continue to continue. Our purpose is to reach the goals and dreams Jawhar envisioned, and this year – we have a ton in store for our audience. Good things are here. Greater things are coming. Nevertheless, this article is to simply say “Happy Birthday Jawhar”. We miss you.
You start dying when you stop dreaming.
Put Your Dreams First And Love Me Last Baby
— Royal Jay (@RoyalJayDeniro) May 10, 2012