#conversationswithdreamers: everyone smile studio (podcast)

We went to Winter Haven, FL to get a sneak peak of what’s in store from the guys over at Everyone Smile Studios.

One thing I can personally take away is that these guys don’t sleep. Working on multiple projects at the same time from “Francis” to “Andrew the Wolf Kid”. Joseph Miranda and Brent Adams definitely have something on their hands. The company was founded by the two good friends in mid-2014. Since then the two artists have been creating a body of work in fine art, photography, music, and film. The team continued to grow over the years, with the addition of Gavin Thompson and enlisting assistance from Myles Cutchember, Julian Lyle, and Jordan Koser. Based out of Central Florida, ESS has been working on their craft for many years. They are just now starting to break out and show ourselves to the world. On a mission to create great works of art for everyone to enjoy. The studio aims to grow and revolutionize the art world. With their small team, they hope to inspire people of all ages and creative backgrounds to pursue their passions as they pursue their own and continue to create work that they’re proud of. Check out the podcast above. You start dying when you stop dreaming.
Check out their website and donate if you can. They’re are currently raising money for their latest project, “Francis”