Building the Future: Mark Zuckerburg
“In a world that’s changing so quickly, the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk.” —Mark Zuckerberg on the best advice Peter Thiel ever gave him.
The creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg, age 32, sits down with Y-Combinator ( an investment firm) and converse building the future. Valued at about $350 Billion, Zuckerburg discusses where it all begun. If you saw the movie “The Social Network”, you may already know the story. When building a business, Mark suggests that you should start with solving a problem and not starting with deciding you want to build a company. Mark Zuckerberg is the 6th richest man in the world with a net worth of 44.6 Billion dollars. Watch the interview above and learn something. You start dying when you stop dreaming.