History Repeating Itself- Humans Repeating History
In the past few years, there has been a huge broadcast of senseless killings of Black people in America by police officers.
We have to remember race is a socially constructed phenomenon, a man-made categorization. In America, we are considered African American, because of the country we were born in and the basis of ancestry, but there are Blacks/Brown everywhere around the world, holding a different culture, nationality, and “race”. I say this to say, do not get caught up in a race war, this is right from wrong. Morals, principles, values, of humans. Certain people in this country, NOT a race but CERTAIN people, believe in ethnocentrism: a belief that one’s culture and in-group is better than another; judging others by the standards and normalcy of your own with a superior attitude. This disgusting attitude has thrived through some of the dominant systems in this country, leaving populations of people in unequal unjustified positions.
In this time, standing strong and believing in the power of your people, whatever that might mean to you, is imperative. Standing up for yourself does not mean standing on someone else. Everyone is equal, even with our differences. Embrace difference, appreciate difference and live in the love of difference.
Let’s not shun or judge anyone for their tactics and reactions to the world around them. Everyone has a different reality and a mental rationale of how to deal with that reality. What worked for Malcolm X didn’t work for Martin Luther King Jr., yet their movements were both important and influential to history.
If you believe in nonviolent, institutional change, DO THAT! Believe in that and step in that change daily. If you believe in something else, DO THAT! I purposefully not say something else specifically, because I encourage the nonviolent powerful change that gradually, slowly but surely flourishes through time. I have hope, without hate, and I wish to spread that love. But again, that is my reality, however, I simply appreciate those who have something to stand for, for positivity.
You Start Dying When You Stop Dreaming.
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